Contact us for Translation Services

For translation services you can contact us by following ways:

Email Address: translationservicespk @ gmail . com (for document sharing & instruction via email)
Landline: (00 92) 051-2303397 | (00 92) 0313-5040795
Whatsapp Chat: (00 92) 0313-5040795 or click here (for document sharing & instruction via whatsapp chat)

Emails, Whatsapp Chat and Calls are only replied between 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM as per PK Time (GMT + 5) except Public Holidays

You can either visit office location or share scanned documents via email or whatsapp for translation purposes.

We can send your translated document back to you via courier services anywhere in the world.

Office Address:
Office Address

Payment Options:
Payment Options

Terms & Conditions

1. Full Payment for translation will be charged in advance.
2. We offer valid and legal translations accepted by all agencies, organizations, companies and institutes.
3. Translation charges (excluding service charges) can be claimed back on providing legal receipt (which can be checked and varified) of illegibility by concerned organization with in 24 hours.
4. Normal translation time is 2 to 4 working days depending on the workload and quantity of your documents.
5. We can arrange urgent translation within 2-8 working hours or 1 working day. (urgent rates applicable).
6. You can send us documents for translation via email (scanned copy or other files via email at translationservicespk @, via whatsapp (0092-313-5040795) or bring it yourself while your visit to our office. We can send your translated version back to you via email, via whatsapp or via courier services in Pakistan or any country of the world as per your requirement.

Important Information:

Office Address
Ask a quote
Organization Profile
Client List
Payment Options

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